The EMS Division
Director - EMS Division
Denise Bjorge
For those who always make sure blood is going round and round and air is going in and out
Denise’s Bio -
Denise began her public safety career as a volunteer firefighter in 1991. She has served with several fire departments, hospital-based organizations, and ambulance district organizations, both on the road and in the dispatch center. During her career, Denise has also served as a law enforcement dispatcher. Denise currently serves as a full-time EMT with the Taney County Ambulance District in Branson, MO, and a medical responder with the Western Taney County Fire Protection District, also in Branson.
In addition to her time spent in public safety, Denise also loves things away from the job, including being a realtor. She dabbles in homesteading, including raising locally grown vegetables in her raised gardens and chickens.
Denise and her family are all in public safety and serve with other husbands and sons in the Western Taney County Fire District. Denise brings a wide variety of experience in EMS, specifically within the public safety space.
Denise will share her thoughts and views about EMS through the OG EMS Division blog of the OG Society.