Don’t Eat Our Young!

By Denise Bjorge - EMS Director/The OG Society

So, the other day I was scrolling through the interwebs and checking out the latest and greatest on social media. I came across a humor page geared towards EMS. I see this page often and it’s typically good for a chuckle now and then. But lately, I cringe each time I see what is posted. SO much ugliness. Folks are so demeaning towards each other in this profession. But things have gone way beyond the normal razing and poking fun. We are basically eating our young out there on social media and at work. What happened to being proud of your profession? Why is it a crime to like what you do? What is the matter with getting an EMS-related tattoo or wearing a damn t-shirt? Well, according to what I am seeing in the comments sections, A LOT! Best I can tell if you are a super salty, burned-out paramedic…. its ok to take your carcinogen-filled hatred for your life and spew it onto new EMT’s and paramedics. In an age where it’s hard enough to get people to work at McDonald’s flipping burgers for $20 an hour,  the fact that we can get anyone interested in continuing their education to go out there and save lives while risking their physical and mental health is nothing short of a miracle. Why on God’s green Earth would we want to make things even harder on them by making fun of their career choice or being proud of it? By the way, did you know that EMT-B stands for Empty My Trash-Bitch? Who knew?

Now I am not suggesting we all sit around hold hands and sing Kumbaya. The very nature of our job requires some seriously dark humor and shenanigans. I am merely suggesting that the next time you feel the legitimate need to make fun of someone because they are proud of what they do. DON’T! If you are so truly unhappy with your career choice and feel like it is your sole mission in life to make others regret their life choices, do us all a favor and go bag groceries. Respectfully of course. 

As for all of you who are out there every day doing a job you enjoy, do so unapologetically. Get the EMS tattoo (just make sure your EKG tats are legit rhythms) and wear the T-shirts. Heck! Get personalized license plates. Whatever blows your skirt up. 


Gosh Denise, that is pretty bold and opinionated of you to say. Isn’t it? I would venture to say it is against the grain. How about I put my money where my mouth is? I do not want to point out a problem without covering ways to improve these situations too: 

  1. It costs absolutely nothing to smile and be nice. Every time I see this one particular person at work, I always smile and say “Hi” and every time she ignores me. I refuse to not address her pleasantly each time I see her because in my mind she is living in this miserable pit of despair, and I refuse to be party to it. Frankly, she is so rude to everyone that I am convinced I am the only person who is nice to her. Why? Because I can. 

  2. If you are so salty and know so much, why not share your knowledge with a newbie? I challenge you to find enjoyment in mentoring others. Sometimes just being someone’s sounding board is all newbie needs. Being available and willing to answer a new person’s question is huge for them. You were new once too, remember? Wasn’t it nice for a veteran at your department to throw you a bone occasionally? A morsel of information that might make their life easier. Make them feel included. Just a thought. 

  3. Be the catalyst for culture change in your organization. If your crispy co-workers see you out there helping the new guy learn the ropes, hopefully they will feel compelled to do the same. Sometimes we do not realize just how shut off and set in our ways to notice others could use your help. Encourage others to help out. Let’s face it, the better you train the new guy now the less work you will have fixing their mistakes later. The alternative is having to work harder on a call because they don’t know what to do. Ever work a code by yourself basically because your new partner didn’t have a clue? Yes, well there’s a way you can help avoid that. 

  4. Lastly, this is a hard one. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, we just do not want to see it. So, do you think your co-worker is dumb for getting that personalized license plate? Who cares? Does it affect you in any way? Nope! Did you see the new girl wearing an EMS T-shirt at the store? Who cares? The guy that got the monster star of life tattoo on his back. It’s their back and money, let it go Elsa. 


I said all that to say this…. Life is short, this career is hard. Let’s not make each other’s lives harder than they must be. It is a privilege to have the intelligence and the willingness to help others. Take pride in what you do and let others be prideful as well. 

Let’s be kind to each other!



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